MOU with Chinese Scholarships Council paves way for training PhD students in New Zealand

In late December 2018 an MOU between the Chinese Scholarships Council and the New Zealand-China Research Collaboration Centres was signed in Beijing.
The New Zealand China Water Research Centre has six PhD projects available, funded by the China Scholarships Council. Students will be enrolled at Lincoln University, New Zealand. The scholarship covers four years stipend and travel.
Topics include:
(i) Greenhouse gas emissions from treated farm dairy effluent;
(ii) Environmental impacts of animal excrement application and mitigation options;
(iii) Incorporation of hydrologic connectivity into land use suitability assessment for improved water utilisation and water quality outcomes;
(iv) Functional and compositional responses of soil microbial communities to the long-term application of biosolids to a coastal pine forest;
(v) Hydrological behaviour of irrigated loess landscapes.

See Scholarships section for more details.

Applications are made through the China Scholarships Council, but enquiries in the first instance should be made to Professor Hong Di, Director of the New Zealand China Water Research Centre. Email: